Anyone little-kids/kids/teens/adults,ect can enjoy this fun game. This is alot of fun for everyone.
Graphics: The graphics are good you can't really complain and the lands have great color and such it's pretty 9/10
Sound: Sometimes you can hear a few cut offs but there diffrent voices that talk and when you get hit sometimes your guy makes sounds. 9/10
Lands: The lands are great and it's fun to run around and explore in or out of battle, theres alot of lands each having a diffrent style and command posts and such, each one also has a strategy and is off from the movie.10/10
Fighting: The fighting can be tough when you first start but later you pick up on it, there's diffrent guns, machines, cannons and more, you can either play alone or with another human and there's alot of cpu's to fight with you and against you. 9.5/10
Proffesions: There's alot of diffrent types of people you can be and also your either for example Cis or Republic and other choices. 10/10
Other characters from movies.: There's ewoks in the game in there home planet that help fight with rebels to destroy the empire. and gunguns. 9/10
Storyline/Mode: There isn't really much of a storyline but you can go into this story where you try to beat the planet one at a time. 7.5/10
Multiplayer: There's also for single/multi a galaxy game where you have to beat the other person's "planers" and gain controll of there main base, it can be as short as 3 rounds or as long as 200. There's instant action which you pick which planents you want to fight on and you choose what party you want to be in. Up to 2 players at a time. 9.9/10
Overall: This game is loads of fun and i suggest you buy it with star wars battlefront 2 or not alot of people like one game better then the other. This is probably one of the most talked about games by most people and it can be picked up in not a long time. 9.3-9.5 but 9.5 since the game is fun.