There's a good reason It's the best selling Star Wars game ever!
Gameplay is fun and makies you feel like your in the middle of an epic battle, with tons of people running around at a time. It's often fun just to mass a huge army with you using the squad commands and then attack an enemy strong point. Having lots of people on the map is an advantage to the fun and experience. The battles between two armies can be fun, unfortunatly the AI sometimes is clearly dumb as a nail in some situations.
The graphics arn't the greatest but are still pretty good. The characters all look smooth but unfortunatly have few details. Everything in the game looks pretty good overall.
The sound in the game is cool, with Star Wars music for the abckground music. The sounds can become monotonous though, with little variation in sounds heard often such as a dying yell or a wounded yell. But other than that the sounds are great.
The game is fairly expensive but it's a good game. The value isn't what it could be if the game were cheaper.
Overall I think it's a great game with massive combat and lots of fun to be had.