This is really the battle field in star war style. Firstly this comes up w the choice of more than 4 kind of soldier on one side, each kind has specific ability and weopons. WP: laser blaster, laser pistol, rocket launcher, those electric launcher things.. and some guy got jet pack, never mind. The only thing you need to think of is capture some command post on the way, simply defend the place til the post is considered lost, and for a little while more for the post to be yours. As the matter of fact, this should be fun when you'll play along side w many more guy and getting killed in the game is not so surprise, you're in the war! The game made it quite good to look, but for someone espect to see more than just a few plastic like soldier and nothing to notice background, this could be better.. Something sissy bout the game it's that the animation doesn't do its job. Sometimes as a glitch, pp gets shot just lie down at the spot w no death animation.The gunshot was made like those from the movie, but the lasers seem to be annoying, as they were too slow and later someone will find it's no fun shooting a guy anymore, then find some other ways to kill pp. Yep, some other ways, you can hop in some kind of vihicle, pilot or co-pilot, and rain the fire power on the enemy, this is fun cos some gun have high damage. Back to be on foot, you can choose to have the 1st person view or 3rd p v, no problemo, but I think 1stpv is better cos it help you aim faster. By the way there's some problems w the aiming system in the game. When you choose auto aim, is not that the shot will automaticly go to the target but you crosshair instead. This will bring lotta trouble in a gunfight, so I chose to have the auto aim off. And here's the pain in the ***. Didn't I say the laser beam go REAL SLOW? Oh for god's sake, that's the most stupid thing I ever thought of as I rain down on a guy just to watch him walk away before my fire hits him. OHHH, the beam should be slower than bullets but not that slow. The bullet from the sniper rifle is a lot better, but who would carry a sniper rf into the middle of the gun fight? OK. The sound is just fine. As you can listen to the familiar music of the Star war series, then the soulless droid speaking English, the commands given, the shout and the laser blaster.. OK, not much to say as it doesn't hit anything deep.. Well, at last, this game will make you play again and again, cos the asmostphere is so cool, and I guess beat the other guys online will be much better!!
Star Wars Battlefront is probably the best Star Wars game LucasArts and Pandemic studios created and according to the sales it’s also the best selling Star Wars game. The game is pretty fun and has lots of features ... Read Full Review
When I first got this game I thought that it was one of the greatest things ever. Unfortunately I do not think that the replay value is very high. After a while every single level begins to seem about the same. The go... Read Full Review