best starwars game ever... even tho its my first.

User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
+/- the enviroments and effects are really good but the characters look boring.
+/- the voice acting is somewat good and the music aint for me, but the sound effects are nice.
- cant play thoes ppl with swords, plus there too powerful
+ no story i think so thats good.
- multiplayer aint the best.
- wen u go to FP mode the gun model aint so great
- the AI suks at times
+ vehicles are fun to drive
+ its kinda like Battlefield
- way too easy can finish in a day or two
+ you can play almost anybody from star wars i think.... exept the ones with the swords.
+ the levels are decent but fun to play
- gets boring due too the easyness of the game.

The End