Not the like the original 2, but totaly worth it!
User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron PSP
although the first 2 of the seris have been the best, this makes an amazing checkpoint for the seris. with the odd contols, and the commands that the commander won't stop giving you, it has its little problems. i (like alot of fans) would have liked to go into and out of space our selves or dock into a ship, but thats is a problem that will be fixed in the next in the seris. The story line for the game in the campain mode is the best feature in the game. it was just what the game needed to make it a good game. the story of x1 and x2 and there troubles reflect much on luke and darth vader and anikan and obi-wan. the multiplayer is also a good addition. no more comments on that. in instint action, there are new planets not explored by this seris, but they took out more of the original levels. the galaktic conquest is different though. you don't just pick the people and time area that you want, it has sections that have sertain missions that you must complete. the custimaztion and the personlization give this game a flare of creativity that we all have wanted. although you only have a specific amount of things that you have at first, and you have to unlock them later on. that is a feature that makes you keep playing.
so over all, i love the game and hope that you will to.