battle front 2 is a good gma eand ill tell you why.
User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PS2
swbf2 (star wars batlle front 2) is a grate game because of all the action and movement thats going on.this is a fighting, advunter game. all is well when you see your rival die.this game has so good graphics and action packed experiencis it just amazing.if you dont have this game BUY IT never gets boring. so meny plzaces to play on its not even funny.if you decide to go nuts on mosisly with all the jedi go ahead i dont care its heda fun. dont just sit there go and buy you copy of swbf2.this gmae is highly addictive with every thing that goes on. dont be a party pooper if you have friends call them to come and play if you have an xbox or a computer that actuly plays a game play an online game with people all across the nattion im allways online go bannanas with this game its a blast