Not as good as the original, but still good, this game definantly has some good and some bad to it
Gameplay: maybe better then the original, new units, and space battles, also you can play as a hero, which is usually a Jedi or a Sith, and those moments are always enjoyable, plus this game has way better AI then the first.
Sound: sound effects and voice action is right from the movies, and the Star Wars series is known for its magnificent music
New modes: Cpture the flag is a simple step forward, and it works very well with some of the many landscapes. and Hunt mode where you hunt down a certain species was loads of fun.
Story mode: BF1's storymode was horrible, it was a waste of time in my opinion, but BF2's is completely different, there's journals and it brings you into the point of view of the 501st Clone Battalion, later known as Vader's Fist, as you areengulfed in battles throughout the galaxy.
Also the glactic conquest is improved, because it adds strategy, something BF1 lacked, you have to recruit your army, and win battles as you move your fleet across the planets, engaging in space combat every now and then.
Also, BF2 is graphically enchanced, and it shows, although some of the environments are a bit dark and your tv needs adjusting.
ok now the bad
BAD: Heroes, sure the idea of heroes was cool, but they put unimportant heroes in the game and left out very important heroes such as Qui Gon Jinn, Kit Fitso, and Plo Koon
Levels- they removed levels from the original Battlefront and edited other levels making them sufficently worse, also there weren't enough levels for me, there's way more planets in the Star Wars Universe then were in the game.
all, in all the good out weighs the bad in my opinion, definantly pick this one up