Hear the Star Wars tune pumped out of the PSP! Love it! Oh, hang on a sec...it gliched..and again...and again! Oh man!

User Rating: 5.2 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PSP
I bought the Xbox version and loved it so much - i haven't done a review on that, but if i did, it'd get 10 easy! - which is why i wnet out and bought the PSP version. The thought of playing one of teh best games ever while on the move was too much to resist!

Which i guess is why i was mega disappointed with this!

As a port to PSP, it isn't bad. The sound, the graphics and everything is there, but the lower res images look terrible! The glitches make it look even worse.

I've got to say that i played it for a while, but haven't been pulled back to play it again for a good month and a half. The controls are really hard work. I blame Sony for this, making just one thumbstick! Many games that rely on the walk and aim type of controls suffer when ported across from the Xbox et-al to the handhelds. There just isn't enough buttons. so when Vader comes running up to you swinging his light saber, you're still stood there farting around with the controls! It does knock a lot out of the game's playability.

If you don't have a PS2/Xbox, then it's probably worth getting to be able to play what was such a good game on the consoles. If, like me, you want to play this game on the move - because you liked it - then maybe look for a second hand version at a good price first.