Another one.

User Rating: 9.2 | Star Wars: Battlefront II XBOX
Of course, this is the sequel the apply acclaimed best Star Wars game EVER.. Which i have to disagree in respect, because i am a huge fan of the KOTOR series, and nothing tops that, in my opinion. But this isn't the KOTOR review now is it. Ok, now onto Gameplay, the make-up is as the same as the original, you go around playing roles in the largest battles the galaxy of Star Wars has ever layed eyes upon. The Galactic Conquest mode has been revamped. This time, you have to fight against a fleet, and with the added bonus of space battles, there's a new twist on everything. In story mode, you follow the 501st Legion, a special group that goes through most of all the major battles of Star Wars, with their first days starting at Geonosis. But then as time went on, things started to change, and Order 66 was issued. Graphics are a slight improvement over BF1, but they do do some better jobs at the character models on the troops and including the now playable Jedi's. Audio is really nice, seeing as how the storyline mode is narrated by Jango Fett himself. Value is nice. Reviewer's Tilt is awesome. Online play, i wouldn't know, of course since i haven't played it online.