User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: Battlefront II XBOX
I love this game! When I had first heard of BF 2 coming out, I was dissappointed by the fact that there were objectives that I had to complete.
When I started played it though, I had found out that most of the objectives were optional, and you would only gain bonuses for completing these.
I was a hard-core player of BF 1. I could pull out over fifty (50) head shots each game with at least ninety (90) kills. I had these maps figured out. Now, the X-Box Live members can now download the old-school maps of BF 1 so they can be Jeedai (this is the Yuuzhan Vong's way of spelling it) or Sith. In BF 1, I had thought that the CIS army was a bit harder to beat with the Republic than vice versa. In BF2, I think that the Clone commander had more than made up for it.
The only things that I didn't like is the default settings to where X is target tracking and down on the D-Pad is reload (X-Box settings), but I changed it when I first learned of this. The only thing that I didn't like is the targeting reticle for the sniper rifle. For some reason, I thought it was easier to no-scope with the sniper on BF1 than BF2. I mean, it's still easy, but it is a LITTLE harder to get used to.
The Galactic Conquest on this is so much better because it is like playing a board game with nothing but your good ol' infantry men (for me it's stormtroopers).
My tip for each and every gamer out there: GET THE GAME!
Then, you can talk about how many Jeedai you have killed in one life and how many X-Wings you have uber owned.
The Graphics are even better than BF 1, and I thought those were superb!
The Sound is obviously the sound of clashing lightsabers and dying men, but there is my favorite: the score to STAR WARS. That, my friend, is the best.
$50 is all it costs (unless you get it GameStop price or you get it used) and it is worth that. I have MANY ownage TAPES (VHS) that I have recorded for myself and the pleasures of others...
So, my little nubians, go out there and own your way through Curoscant, Dagobah, Kashyyyk, Tatooine, and the list goes on ( and all the space battles, which are like playing Rogue Squadron for all the Game Cube owners like me who bought the cube just so I could play RSII and III)
I mean, I could go on and on and on and on and on...
By the way, my XBox Live Gamer tag is MR. RODGERS (don't ask why)