By order of the Marketing Execs

User Rating: 5.8 | Star Wars: Battlefront II XBOX
Battlefront. When i heard about the first Battlefront I was pumped; I had just been playing about 14 hours straight of the game it was basely modeled after, Battlefield 1942(an excellent game). When it came out in stores I ran out, bought it and played it for a large portion of a weekend straight. Live = beauty. The novelty of being able to kill along side Darth Vader took a long time to wear off, being a foot soldier in the Republic was no less novel.

And then comes BattleFront II. Its basically playing the old game except you can ridiculously power trip (me not being a fan of power tripping) as a "Hero", and there is new ships. I just know some tanned, ponytail wearing marketting exec had the epiphany that lead to the creation of the sequel, "If we put a ll after it, they'll buy it.. Hell, they might buy two!"

Thank you for re-releasing Battlefront, you D@&*%3.

-FPS Army out