Star Wars Battlefront II is another great quality game by Lucasarts and much to it's success it surpasses the original.

User Rating: 8.4 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PC
Battlefront II improves from the original from its improved gameplay, such as playable Jedi characters, space battles, new story campaigns, as well as Episode III content.

Battlefront II expands upon the original game's single-player experience with mission-based objectives drawn from all six Star Wars films. The storyline spans more than 16 new locations, many from the Episode III film, including volcanic Mustafar and the space battle above Coruscant. Another feature included is a story-based single-player campaign which revolves primarily around the 501st Legion as the unit evolves from Old Republic clone troopers to Imperial storm troopers.

New features for gameplay are Star points, which are the key to unlocking advanced unit types as well as playable heroes. Star points are awarded for positive in-game actions, such as kills, capturing command posts, or destroying vehicles. In order for players to spawn as a particular unit, they must accumulate the required number of star points. Until that time, the unit will be grayed out on the spawn select screen. In addition, only a certain number of any particular units are allowed on the board at one time.

The most difference between the original and the sequel is the method of issuing orders. The number of troops at the player's command is based on rank. Rather than using the directional pad to issue specific commands to groups, commands are now issued by using the targeting reticule to select a specific soldier. While aimed at an ally, pressing the "up" button issues a command. The system chooses which command seems appropriate; for infantry troops, the up button toggles between "back me up" and "move out". In vehicles, the commands are either "get in" or "get out". An infantry trooper targeting a vehicle can order it to stop. Although the variety of commands is much more limited and issuing them is more complicated, the new aiming feature allows users to select the exact class of trooper they want to help them, as well as order vehicles to stop from a considerable distance.

There are a total of nine different units from which the player can choose; six normal units in ground battles, heroes, and two units in space battles. Each has different weapons, equipment, and skills.

Players can now play as a Jedi which include Sith characters, or a non-Jedi character such as Boba Fett or Princess Leia. Each faction has a single character associated with any given battle map and there is a time limit on playing as these heroes. The time limit is tracked by a light saber blade which slowly shrinks as time passes and is increased by defeating enemies, and it is decreased by taking damage. Each side may only have a single Jedi/hero on the field at any given time, and how they join the battle varies depending on the type of game being played or settings being used - generally, once a Jedi/hero is defeated, a certain amount of time must elapse or a certain number of points must be earned before that character is able to reenter the battle. All heroes and Jedi are superior to normal troops; their attacks are very powerful, often killing normal enemy troops in a single blow or shot. Also, due to their unique time limit system, they can potentially withstand far more damage than a normal trooper. Each Jedi as well as certain heroes carry some form of light saber, and also have special abilities generally utilizing the Force.

Aside from the main storyline another mode is the Galactic Conquest. There are 4 different starting scenarios for galactic conquest (one for each faction). The object is to conquer several enemy planets, one battle at a time, increasing control over the galaxy. For example, Rebels start off with Dagobah, Yavin 4 and Hoth, and must fight battles to win other worlds and expand their power. Gameplay has improved greatly. This time around you can engage in space battles which you control different types of ships and try to destroy the enemies ships and fighters. Also you can play as heroes from the star wars movies, performing their famous moves and force abilities on many enemies, Darth Maul being my favorite. Controlling many vehicles including AT-ST's, Tank Droids, X-Wings, Spider walkers and many more prove fun.

Graphics have improved much and in several areas, look amazing. Character model is excellent with all your new, and old familiar star wars heroes and villains in the game. Movement and animation are clear and accurate and special effects are used well.

Sound is great as always. The music for each level is pieced well whether it be a huge engaging battle or a tempting search for the enemy. As for sound they sound amazing from weapon fire to saber strikes. The voices are cool which adds the star wars atmosphere to the game. They both add to the action and intensity in the battle was gives more enjoyment.

There is good Value. Once you've completed the main story you can move onto the Galactic Conquest and then to the fabulous multiplayer. Even later on you can improve your ranking stats and become the top player.

Star Wars Battlefront II is very fun to enjoy indeed. The gameplay has vastly improved since the original which gives a lot more to play with. There is plenty to do and you should have great single player action as well as multiplayer. If you like star wars, it's highly recommended to get this game, even if your not, it proves to be a great action shooter. Another great Star Wars game by Lucasarts!