A Great Ammount of Improvement
User Rating: 7.8 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PS2
Comparing this to the original the game has come a very long way in that the graphics, music, types of game play, and story mode have all taken a great improvement. The graphics to me have nearly doubled since the original as along with the music and ambient sounds. The story mode had me and my friend hooked when we played co-op because we were big fans of the 501 st. Also the new form of Conquer The Galaxy(CTG) is a lot more fun compared to the first one because you don't beat it in like 30 mins. one game of CTG will take you at least 2 hours by yourself and 1 hour if your with a friend, no matter how good you are. Over all the game itself has taken a big leap fore ward. Plus when playing Hero Battle it's always fun to see like four people all playing as Yoda and wailing on one enemy. LOL