Even though Battelfront 2 is better then the original it was a disappiontment that lacks features on multiple accounts.
User Rating: 7.1 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PS2
Succinctly put: if you liked Battlefront 1, you'll like this game. All of the groundbased combat from the first game has been improved upon in this one. My biggest gripe with the game are the Space battles. I'm an" X-Wing/Tie Fighter " vet as well as a fan of the Rogue Squadron Series. I remember Lucasarts spokespeople claiming that the Space Battles in BF2 would satisfy fans of those games. I'm here to tell you that that is entirely not the case. While it's not horrible, i expected a WHOLE Lot more from the system. The Control and targetting system leave alot to be desired. I launch, and immediately i've got 3 missiles locked onto me. The only way to outmanuever them is by afterburning, as the acutal 'evasive manuevers' available to you with the circle button are absolutely worthless.When given specific systems to target in the single-player game, i find it quite difficult to identify where the system is physically located. The high point is when you are able to play as a Jedi. A fun goal to work towrds during battels. The graphics are nothing special and are really blochy just like the first. When you go up close to a character the details are bad and off in the distance things are pretty bad too. The part when the graphics are good are when battles are not to close but not too far. The sound is pretty good but could have been a lot better. The laser sounds are great but the sounds of the soldiers and other creaters are quit bad. As I said before the space battles were an upset and set the game back also eachy graphics took away from the game. Star Wars Battelfront 2 was better then the original but not by much.
Cover Artwork ~B+~ Describes the game greatly and has a lot going on, on the cover.