Battlefront 2 is a game that should not be missed by anyone looking for a great shooter for the psp
I will start off with the controls, as that was my main concern when buying it. There are many different controls schemes but in my opinion the best is the Retro scheme. This maps the movement to the face buttons, aiming with the analog stick, and shooting with the shoulder buttons. The D-pad is used for switching weapons, jumping, and entering/exiting vehicles. The only negative thing I can say about the controls are that it hard to get used to since the movement and aiming is reversed from the playstation 2 games
The graphics obviously are not as good as the console versions but compared to other psp games they stand out. Games like Socom, had great graphics but the environments were really bland and had no textures. Battlefronts graphics really nailed it and made me even look around a level just to see the detail. The only negative thing that can be said is that the draw distance seems short but never affected gameplay.
The sound in this game is really amazing. When I First got the game I was hoping for a customizable soundtrack... there wasn't one. Luckily though the music is great. It really captures the essences of all of the movies. The only thing negative about the sound was that once and awhile I hear Darth Vader breathing even though he isn't on the map.
The maps in this game really differ. There are space battles, outdoor battles in the jungle, snow, and many indoor levels. All of these maps will be familiar to any star wars fan. While there are less maps than the console version, you were never know it if you hadn't played it (or read this). The only other thing is the space battles. These are very repetitive and probably the worst part of the game. There are only 2 maps for space battles.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to play multiplayer before this review. From what I heard it is very fun. In multiplayer you can chose any map and any game type from singleplayer. Also note that there is no online (infrastructure) play.
All-in-all Star Wars Battlefront 2 is a game that should not be missed by anyone looking for a great singleplayer experience with enough replayability to keep you coming back for more.