A brand new genre: unending innovations by Lucasarts
The graphics look sleek and smooth; suitable for the futuristic setting of a game such as Star Wars. The guns look unique and new, but some of their appendages do look out of place. If you ever wished you were one of the clone troopers (or Mace Windu) out fighting in the Star Wars movies you've watched, then this is the perfect game, as the graphics bring you stunningly close to realism.
Sound: 10/10
The sound's strong. If you use your normal volume setting while playing this game, you're looking at movie quality sound effects, with huge explosions and terrific blaster feedback. Again, as with the graphics, Battlefront II brings you as close to the movies as you could ever wish for.
Gameplay: 9/10
Now here's where Battlefront II dips a notch. The first person shooter idea on a realistic star wars battlefield is interesting alright. However, actually HITTING those damn droids aren't very fun. They jink around like they're on steroids, making them extremely hard to hit, even with a sniper rifle! What I'm saying is: the game's got enough enticement to it, but when you're actually playing the game, you'll feel insignificant, since you're against something like 100 droids, each jumping this way and that. Now enough of the bad, the good more than makes up for this. As with Battlefield 2, Battlefront II has fully interactive vehicles. This adds another dimension of gameplay to the game, as you have a choice of shooting your enemies down or you could drive a repulsor sled around running them over, or you could commandeer an AT-AT walker and blow them to smithereens. One final compliment to this great game is the single player stat tracker. Whatever you do in combat, even in training and campaigns, is tracked and recorded on your profile. This gives the player an immense sense of actually role playing and pride (if they get good stats). Nonetheless, I think Battlefront II is probably the first to actually give single-player stats, so this is a nice bonus addon.
In short:
The good: smooth graphics, interactive environment, large-scale combat, stat tracker
The bad: the cinematics, the combat