Amazing battles and explosive action! get into it all with Star Wars: Batlle Front II !

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PS2
if you loved the first one the get even more blown away by this spectacular game! its got a few glitches that are easy to find, like shooting through walls and walking through them to. but you dont need any gliches to have a fun time, in this one you can BE the jedi, not watch them, and ( for those of you who couldnt figure it out in BF1) accually kill the jedi on the opposing side, this game has som redone levels plus few more from the verious movies and other games. An easy secret to find out it going to instant action on you battle choices, and picking Mosisly space port, then chooose assult for the game mode, I know assult is only for space battles but in this you can bee any hero, and its good v.s. evil in a chaotic battle that you die every 10 secobnds!