your basically paying 30$ to play the first game...again.
space battles are spose to be the end-all coolest update ever, but if that was so, there definely wasnt enough space battle content. boarding enemy ships? cool idea. except theres only TWO rooms. the hanger and the control station. the campaign was boring and predictable following the movie. now that is sort of cool, only if they hadnt COMPLETELY followed it, it wouldve actually been worth playing.
multiplayer is not bad, but there are much better multiplayer games out there, why choose this one? online matches can get frustrating when your opponents are there to kick ass instead of having fun. like parking a heavy command tank outside a spawn point. forcing you to either go the long way, or be obliterated with a fat chance of locking on withe the missile.
the new system of buying new troop types. and equpment is pretty cool, along with constructing fleets. but not worth the effort and doesnt stretch out the game.
overall, this game was pretty bad, theres better ones out there.