Star Wars Battle Front 2 in my opinion is better than the first. The space battles and graphics are somewhat more then I expected. The Galactic conquest mode does get some what repetitive because the computer always seems to try to battle on Naboo. The sound could use some work though but other than that it is a very well made game. The 501's journal at the beginning of every mission is interesting and worth watching. The one downside to the entries is that even if you hit one button whether it be L or R or even SELECT the movie automatically ends and sometimes this gets annoying if your into the whole Star Wars saga thing. The multi player in this game is superb! I would rate it a 9.5 since playing with friends is a lot more fun because when you're on opposite teams it's a contest and competition to kill each other. On the other hand on the same team it's a contest to see who will get the most kills on the stats chart at the end of the battle. Being able to use the Jedi after receiving medals I think, was a great addition to the almost, seemingly flawless original.
I strongly recomend you check out, buy or rent this game and experience the Star Wars Battle Front 2 war for yourself.
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