Just another Jedi Trick, or the real deal?
The developers seemed to have listened to some complaints with the last game.
Let's take a look over it.
Gameplay is largely unchanged from the first Battlefront. You're still commanding a large number of troops, you run around taking over bases, and you shoot things. Simple enough. But now, for die-hard Star Wars enthusiaists (and others just wanting something new), there are space battles, one and two flag CTF, assault, and other new modes added to add variety. The map roster has also sizeably improved over last year's iteration.
Vehicles are much more balanced than before, and taking a cue from Halo 2's vehicle jacking, you can now slice into vehicles with a fusion cutter. How hot is that? Very, since I can finally take over all the vehicles online of those cheap people using those super-tanks. Harharhar *awkward moment*
The single player experience has a story now, and a more diverse cast of enemies (weak Jedi, rancors, that monster thing from Episode 2), as well as a STAT BUILDING ELEMENT. Over the course of the game, depending on how you do in battles on a certain stat (sniping, tank bustin', etc), your abilities will be affected. In some cases, you get an improved version of the weapon you have. In other cases, you just manage to do more damage, or be more resiliant to enemy attacks. This gives a major motivation to continuously play to your best.
However, the most noticeable change is the addition of Jedi and "Hero" characters such as Jango Fett and Han Solo (who kick much ass, btw). They add a driving force to actually get more kills and work harder, but aren't terribly cheap. Being heroes, they are more powerful than normal units, and can kill many in the one hit (the lightsaber throw = death). However, the ability to actually be killed is definately a plus (they can't reflect rockets anymore! Hurrah!)
A noticeable improvement in character models and environment graphics came with the bundle this year. Clones have received a much needed face-lift (armor-lift? Who knows...) and the engine runs (for the most part) lag-free with the improved graphics. Explosions are noticeably better too (I look at 'em ok? They're cool! STOP LAUGHING AT ME!!!) Major Kudos to Lucas Arts and Pandemic for the improved explosions.
I'm biased in this section. I love Star Wars music in general, so it ranks kick-ass in my book.
Ah, what it all comes down to. Well, this is certainly a better product than last year's. The massive online battles place this in better eyes for those "big war" people (who don't have much fun playing 2-2 in Halo 2). A large number of new modes, as well as the inclusion of massive space battles (I can see it now. A buncha people going around crashing. Hahaha, KAMAKAZEE!!!). This is definately a rent, if not a must-buy.