OK rushed out bought it, dissappointed. PC

User Rating: 2.8 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PC
PC ver has been graphically dumbed down along with everything else. Visually it's woeful compared to SWBF 1. First single player level has a skydome that would embarass the most junior of CG artists, what the hell? PCs have had a PSX 1 version of low poly characters ported to it. I can see the increase of the number of enemies being the reason but when that number of glitchy animated rushed engine models zoom about it does nothing (for me) but blight the first impressions I'm sad to say I'm not going to fire it up anytime soon to see it through to the end.

Don't know how it will look at on my kids Xbox but after lookin at this I wouldn't recommend it. How on earth can someone give this a 10 for graphics?

C'mon Lucasarts, you've probably got the biggest franchise possible in your hands and everything from the interface, ingame look and gameplay SCREAM rush job. Give pandemic the heaveho or expand their budget, either way you've just soiled the recently improving track record of Starwars games in my opinion.

In my eyes this is Lucasarts's own 'Tomb Raider - Angel Of Darkness'.
I got that same sinking feeling about that franchise as I got with this.

Sad but true