Just like the first, but better. A nice imrovment, but those looking for an actaull sequal wont be pleased.

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PS2
Once again, Battlefront gives us the in war experiance in the Star Wars world. Similar to the first, the single player mode alows you to play through a number of famous battle scenes from the story. A few new modes add to the pleasure of playing alone, expecialy hunt mode. This mode you hunt down a planets local species, such as jawas. The true experiance comes in its multi player. With more charcters to pick from, inculding the heros, better graphics, more weapons, better flight system, and many mpre levels, playing against other people makes for one hecktic battle. The only change i dislike was the removal of the command buttons. The commads have all been placed in the up d pad button, which proves to become unusefull in the game.
Over all, the game is fun and action packed. The instant action mode alows for a full fledged war campain for fun anytime. A must for any star wars fan...and a wise choice otherwise.