Addictingly Fun
Why its different- Campaign, the campaign is very different from last year, and is completely different from the instant action/multiplayer, and it is much more enjoyable than Battlefront one's singleplayer.
Space- Definitly a good addition, well put together for the most part. however, if ur only getting the game for space, i would wait untill its cheaper, or get it used.
Jedi- Very very cool, gives u something to really strive for. and theres nothing like haking apart droidekas with mace windu's bad mother f***** lightsaber. the all jedi level (mos eislely assualt) is very very fun
Graphics... slightly better, but the skins and vehicles are nice changes
-AI- sure their a little tougher and ur friends tell u whats going on, but ur friends never actually really help u and ur enemies r still pretty easy to mow down... but there diffenetly is an improvement
Multiplayer modes-
1) Hunt- aaa yes taking my rage out against ewoks and gungans... not what its cracked up to be, what is fun however is playing as an ewok and throwing rocks and pointy sticks at stormtroopers. good addition but nt great.
2) Massive armys- LOTR meets star wars, thousands- i mean thousands of troops going head to head, much harder, but really inforces a chaotic helpless feel. Overall a great addition
3) CTF, i dont get it yet... its hard to catch on to but its pretty fun ( i like to put the hero settings on easy so i can almost instantly get heroes and murder the enemies that have the flag. The best part of CTF is the imperial guy annoucing when those damn rebels take ur flag good, but hard to pick up
overall a good improvement and a must buy for ALL star wars fans