WOW... this game is amazing!!!

User Rating: 8.8 | Star Wars: Battlefront II XBOX
Star wars battlefront 2 is one of the most fun games of the year. It surpasses the first one in almost every way possible. Playing as a jedi is perfect. When i heard about the introduction of jedi, I was a little dissapointed. To me, battlefront was about being a soldier, not running around owning with your lightsaber. When I heard about how it works, it made me feel a little better, knowing they werent as powerful as people wanted. But now i know that they really made it work. They can turn the tide of battles easily, but if u get surrounded, it is hard to get out of the mess. My favorite addition to the game is the space battles. I love loading up the gunship and transporting troops and then unloading them in the base. Then u can use the landed gunship as a command post!!!! Then u can go in and destroy life support systems and stuff like that. I also like the new story mode, it actually has real objectives!!! Also, some missions are pretty challenging. Next is the different game types. Hunt is fun but nothing specail. CTF is fun but yeah. The best is assualt. Especially on mos eisley. On mos eisley, its hero assault. All the heroes and villains go around killing eachother and its so much fun. I think my only complaint about the games is some of the ground missions. I miss some of the larger levels like dune sea and the plains.
I do think this game needed some extra polish and could've been better, but it does live up well to the first game, and although it may not be better, its still a good game in its own right.