The game has shortcomings but SWBF2 delivers a fun, immersive experience on the PC.
The gameplay has been tweaked this time around and plays out a bit faster. This adds to the over the top chaotic feel of battles. Some times it feels a bit too fast but overall it fits the game nicely. I still wouldn't mind it being slowed down just a bit since the added speed makes the controls a bit too twitchy. The game is reminiscent of shooters such as Team Fortress or BF1942 (smaller maps then its sequels) and alot less then games such as BFV or BF2. The game is generous about getting you back in to the battle as quick as possible. This is a welcome aspect of the gameplay since I always hated playing games that take me 5 mins to get back into the action only to die right away and then having to spend another 5 mins getting back.
There are added game modes this time around for multiplayer. This adds a nice change of pace from game to game giving you a different feel between games such as capture the flag, control points or hunt (one faction vs. races of ewoks, gungans, etc.). The most notable is space combat. Not Rouge Squadron or Xwing vs. Tie Fighter but a fun arcade like multiplayer shooter.
It's obvious the game was developed for platforms and the PC took a backseat graphically. They did provide support for resolutions over 1600x1200 though. With a good resolution and some antialiasing enabled the game's graphics are competent enough to pull you in. Bloom lighting, a warp effect while applying boosters in space, smoke and sparks from damaged vehicles, bodies flying left and right.... you won't be in awe of the flatly textured graphics but combined with the effects they're good.
The audio is top notch. Traditional Star Wars musical scores boom throughout the gameplay and really set the tone for the epic battles. Blaster fire, explosions, teammates yelling out warnings all add to the sounds of the battle raging around you. In space the vehicles sound very much like thier big screen counterparts. An example is the blaster fire from tie fighters and interceptors. In the movies they always had the high resonating blast sound but also an underlying rat-a-tat-tat reverb which the game presents very nicely.
With a short singleplayer campaign you won't be spending much time getting lost in the story of the 501'st (Vaders Stormtroopers and single player storyline). Luckily there is plenty of replay in the games galactic conquest and multiplayer modes. As an arm chair emporer you can choose your faction and your route to victory in your attempt at claiming control of the galaxy in galactic conquest. On the multiplayer side you will have 24 maps to play on, several game types, and a heck of alot of troop types to choose which should keep you coming back for awhile. You will come back just to get better so you can claim your chance to play as one of the games hero's/jedi characters. I never knew there were so many to play as... yoda, luke, han, boba fett, the emperor, vader, obi wan, dooku, windu, grievous... should I go on??
If you're a fan of shooters and Star Wars then this game is a no brainer. If you passively have an interest in Star Wars but love shooters then you'll probably want to look somewhere else.