The best Star Wars game made so far!
User Rating: 9.7 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PS2
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Is The Best Star Wars Game Made!If you have played star wars battlefront 1 you'll know the basics there is the infantry the heavy trooper the engineer the pilot the new marine the normal infantry and the sniper plus a new unit to each faction. Yes you can play as the jedi!The jedi-sith are the main units on the battlefeild for stroy mode you have to earn the jedi for galactic conquest you buy them as a bouns and in instant action you can set the configuration of jedi (as in make it so you can play as them all the time!). 1-2 hits kill as a jedi, the jedi are easyer to kill but that is also a good thing, jedi can go in vechicles and have force powers, plus there are jedi from almost all the movies like, Darth maul darh vader obi-wan kenobi Gen. Grevious Ki-Ad-Mundia And More! Plus there are heros!like jango fett han solo princas leia orgina boba fett chew bacca and more!!! The Heros are kind of like the jedi but some 1 hit kills some take more,they have cool new weapons and gadgets like jetpacks and more!There are new planets but the left some of the old planets out, they redid some of the planets, and some are of space! Yes you can fly in space!!! You can go in your hanger your shiled room your turret room your engine room and your life support room and you can get in a ship and fly around in space, plus you can get in your enmey's capital ship!!! And sabatoge their sheilds, turrets, engine, and life support.Plus Yes you can play as the episode 3 clone and episode 3 droids!!! If you played star wars battlefront 1 you'll know the clones were weak NOT ANY MORE THERE ARN'T! They toalty redid the clones they have new weapones new vechials and a commando!!! With a rapid fire gun! Plus the droids have new stuff too! like the new droid unit with a powerfull weapon the droideas roll faster and their sheilds last longer, Plus some new vechials!!!
And new game play modes!!!
This game runs good, has great graphics, Barely any glitches and is an awsome star wars game!!! Thats why im giving it a 9.7 out of 10.