Compared to the console versions of this game the psp version really leaves you wondering what went wrong???

User Rating: 6.5 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PSP
The psp version of this game is just plin bad compared to the console versions. It goes to show that no one still hasnt figured out how to make a first person( or 3rd person ) shooter work for the psp. I found the controls to be really bad in this game. The graphics are good but other then that there really isnt any bright spots in this game. The removed a lot of the campaign from the console versions and there isnt a online mode. Thats kind of odd seeing that this game is amazing online. I dont imagine any first person shooter will be good on the psp unless they bring out a attachment that gives you a second anolog stick. If you are looking for a cool game for the Playstation Portable DO NOT get this game as it will frustrate you from the controls and the story is just not long enough