This game has a lot of flaws from a Star Wars Fan's point-of-view. A part from this the game is rated OK.
User Rating: 7.1 | Star Wars: Battlefront II XBOX
Okay first off I have a lot of flaws to point out with this game. I am a Star Wars fan and I kinda enjoyed this game but some things really pissed me off for instance there was no easy level for beginners to enjoy. The levels of AI were just "normal" and "elite" which was bloody stupid, they should have a AI level of "easy". The controls to control an X-wing and others ships were just too difficult to control which I think is a major disapointment. I liked the controls better in BF I better then BF II. Also for people who never played BF II before will find the AI probably too difficult and would find killing an enemy too hard "like no fair go".Also on "normal" AI level you can't even get into an X-wing without been shot down, In other words you only get 5 seconds before you a bantha fodda. Now a beginner in a "space hoth" level won't even get a chance to explore the level with out a bloody tie-fighter coming up your ass because the AI would be too bloody advanced for a beginner to get used to the game so in other words you don't get a chance to explore a level without dying.Also you didn't get long enough too play a Jedi. The timer thing for playing a Jedi was stupid. The player should get unlimited time if they wanted too.A part from all this the game isn't too bad.I just say the developer need to improve a lot of things. A part from all this the game isn't too bad.