This Game is instantly amazing and is a definate must-buy.
For example, the sound... there is a voice over in games and for things like Capture the flag, there is a notice to say when the flag is dropped / taken...
Unfortunatly... if there is a large fire fight involving both flags near to opposing spawn points the flag being dropped and taken and returned etc causes a lot of back up and the voice overs get so annoying you need to mute you TV before you throw the controller through the screen.
Other than this... the graphics (if you ever get a second of peace from the fighting) are quite inpressive for the PS2.
Also, there is a very fun Space mode where you can fly around in space shooting and blowing stuff up, or you can land a ship in the enemy hangar and spawn from it.... it's very addictive... because once you've gone inside and destroyed their CPU turrets, then flying around in smaller, faster, better dog-fighting spacecraft is a heck of a lot easier. And getting inside can be done pretty simply.
The controls are simple enough, normal layout and no 'hard to reach' buttons so fighting smoothly is easy and there isn't any lagging in the offline game. (But it depends on your internet connection in the online play.)
There is also playable Jedi and an option to make them playable throughout the match rather than just every 90 seconds (a lot can happen in 90 seconds)
When there Unit count has gone down to about 20 - 15, the enemies fighting becomes more organised and fierce and very fun...
Until there is 1 - 2 enemies left then if simply running / flying / driving around waiting for some sniper to take a shot at you and give away their position (some sniper positions are scripted so learn where they are and check those placs first).
Thats about it....
The teams are a lot more balanced now, and the new maps are very quick to master and find your way around...
In summary... Buy This Game if you love shooting for the hell of it.
P.S. Being a Star Wars fan is not required.... this game actually made me get into Star Wars, not the other way around.