Unless you REALLY want this game, stick with the original
User Rating: 8.1 | Star Wars: Battlefront II XBOX
Star Wars fans rejoice! Battlefront 2 is one of the best multiplayer games I've ever played, it's even up there with Halo 2. The single player....not so much. While space battles sound fun when you first hear about them, you soon find out it's very linear and basically a race to see who can destroy the ship faster. Going inside the enemy ship is really stupid, because the auto-turrets are about the only thing keeping you from destroying the ship, and frankly it's not enough. Despite the overly easy space battles, the battles on the planets themselves are pretty well done. The only really annoying problem I had was (again) the overly easy AI. The single player campaign is too short and WAY to easy. Multiplayer. This is where the real fun starts. I've probably spent hours on end playing the multiplayer online. The jedi are very fun, but they all play basically the same way (except for a few). New characters for each faction was added, like the Magnaguard, Clone commander, and others. They don't add too much to the gameplay, but are still there and appreciated. The game is focused more on ground than in tanks and other vehicles. The game is flawed with an overly easy AI, but the multiplayer aspect brings it all together.