BattleFront is an expansion of a terrible game

User Rating: 5.6 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PC
zwhy the hell did Lucas art make this game . Battlefront 1 was totally unpopular .. ppl bought it bcause it had a storm trooper on the front. everybody like sto control storm troopers , they're way cool. Unlickily for me and them we fell into the trap and bought it, Basically a free for all massacre no betr than serios sam 1 ! If I'd just waited half a year , i could've bought republic commando . A way better game (although without multiplayer) Where u actually play the stormtrooper commando team. All i have to say is , what the hell were they thinking bringing a sequal out ...
The sinlge playr campaign is terrible 2 , they probarbly spend like a day making it!
The JEdi's are hard 2 control and give me little enjoyment or extra amusement! it's merely a thing that looks good on paper.
the graphics are Ok , but the gameplay sucks , its Unreal tournament with starwars ina halflife deathmatch type!

And why on the XbOX !!! XboX is 2 cool for a game like this .. besides you'd only be able 2 play it with X box live HA!

If anybody is offended by this review , 2 bad . I wrote this , not to annoy people but because i like writing reviews that are full of critisism.

Jan schreurs