Really an awesome game, but still somethings I would have like to be a little more 'battlefield' like...

User Rating: 8.6 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PC
Battlefront 2 is a Battlefield like game but really isn't much better...
First about the graphics.... the graphics are awesome and you will really like them, I really felt like I was there shooting some droids, or clone troopers.
The game feats a lot of new things and in the other way some are left away, if you compare this game to the first in series, I think most of ya'll will stick to the first Battlefront. For example: you can't lie on the ground and scrawl, that was to my opinion a really cool feat in Battlefront the first. The graphics aren't much better as in the first one but are still very good. You can ride a lot of vehicle's, but the levels aren't quite that big, for example: in Battlefield you've got really big maps, like Hawai (refering to Battlefield 1942).
The vehicles aren't optimal at all, your weapon is really fast overheated, a really annoying feat if you ask me. Still, driving an ATT is really cool.
The very cool new thing in Battlefront 2 are the space battles, if you attack a planet in the campaign, they'll ask you first if you want to play the space battle.
This is really cool, you can really fly in a lot of space yets, (I lost the name for a ever...I really am a star wars fan but I just got this no-knowledge moment)... flying the yets is quite hard when you play it for the first time, but you'll get used to it fast enough, then you'll see it's really, really cool... I always enjoy the space battles really much....

A new feat in the field battles is that after you've earned some points you'll be able to play as a hero, like Darth Maul, the Emperor, Yoda, or the hot Twilek chick with two lightsabers. Every battlefield has it's own hero, for instance, Aayla Secura will be the hero of the 'Green Planet"...I lost the name of it...Coruscant?...naaw....what ever... it's a planet excisting out of trees and green big bubbles.

Also really cool is that you've got a rank and a record, there will be this "record sheet" in the main menu where you can see you're statistics, and for example if you shoot 6 headshots with a sniper in a battle you'll be a marksman, if you do that like some 60 times you'll win a new sniper rifle, you've got this kinda feat for every class. The shooting and flying/driving and stuff is just really cool.

There is also a really cool campaign, the campaign is about the clone troopers owned by Anakin, you'll fight all the battles that were really fought by platoon....41 or something like that....I also,,I'm in the mood:P.
The campaign is about the same as the normal battles, however there will be certain objectives, and it is possible that you'll be the last standing man of your army, and still win the battle.
For example.... you're quite far in the battle and you'll need to steal the holocron of the enemy, your army reinceforment are quite thinning, and by the time you stole the holocron, you're the last standing Clone Trooper.... then you'll need to bring the holocron to some spawn point, if you bring it you'll be granted new reinceforment and then you'll be able to do the next objective.... your walking with the holocron towards the spawn point, you can see the red light of the spawn point already and then suddenly, you're being ambushed by 5 yedi's....WAAH!? push the sprint button fast and in main time shoot one of the yedi's and there it is, the final're dead and you'll need to restart the battle...orrr... you shoot one more yedi, make it to the spawn point.... get killed and then respawn because you've got reinceforments again....those moments are really tensed,but also really cool.

Last but not least there is a conquest mode and in this mode you can conquer a group(rebellion,empire,clone army.etc.) and you can battle this army for the total space world.... you'll have to fight a lot of battles and choose special thing, spare money and stuff... really cool, but I thought it was quite hard too.

Ow...yeah..I forgot something, if you play a quick battle you'll also be able to choose between capture the flag and deathmatch and all that stuff, is really cool either. Playing cap. the flag in a spacebatlle is quite fun, flying as fast as possible to the dropping point which is right above the enemy mothership, in main time getting totally shot by the automatic guns...

Well all together the game really rocks off the walls, but could have a bit bigger levels, for example, in Battlefield you'll be able to fly an airplane in a field level, or to control a ship, choose your own tactics and stuff, well, the levels are to my opinion too small for all this, not that it ruins the game but I would have really liked it if it was a bit more like that...maybe in Battlefront 3...:)

So, to any Star Wars fan, any shooter 'person' or what ever, this game is really an approvement to his/hers game collection.

Great Game!