User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PSP
Star Wars Battlefront 2 for the PSP is one of 20 games I own for this system and I would be just as happy if it was the only game I ever owned. I’m more of a Star Trek fan but if it weren’t for George Lucas and Star Wars, there would be no Star Trek after the original series.
Star Wars games, however, are superior. GAME PLAY: Although I have not played much except for instant battle mode, I can’t get enough of this game. Flying a snow speeder, firing deadly beams at the enemy while they try to destroy me is just the beginning. The sound, speed and excitement just keeps going and going. My favourite part of the Hoth battle is flying my speeder around blasting troops and turrets. It is not easy to fly and shoot with accuracy but when you put the time in to get proficient at it, the rewards are great.
I usually play as a sniper but I also try to master the other kits available as well. The action and pace of this game is perfect. The difficulty level is also dead on. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is easy enough for having fun and hard enough for a challenge.
The controls are a let down but can be mostly overcome with a commitment to master them. Do NOT let this keep you from getting this game!
SOUND: Music and sound effects create an immersive atmosphere that makes me feel like I am in a star wars movie! It couldn’t be better! With headphones, this game is awesome. I also play it on my sub woofers and PC digital speakers.
GRAPHICS: Excellent! I have read most of the other reviews on this game and the graphics are usually criticized. I find them great for a small system. I was very impressed. The PSP system is beautiful to play this game on. It’s bright, colourful and very entertaining.
Yes, I also love to play this game on my PS2, XBOX and PC but I LOVE to sit in my easy chair, rest my arms on my lap pillow and blow the evil doers away on the PSP.
The only other game I love more is Battlefield 1942 for PC (which will not work on vista!!!!!!!!!!!).
I have played the multiplayer mode a couple of times and I loved it. I don’t care as much about playing on-line because there are so many keeners out there who do not have a family to support and become expert at picking me off every time I even THINK about re-spawning.
I highly recommend this game and hope you have as much fun playing it as I have. If you are a Star Wars fan and own a PSP, you MUST HAVE THIS GAME!!!!