The time it takes you to read this review, you should be buying battlefront 2.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Battlefront II XBOX
I had the first Battlefront. Many said it was the best Star Wars game ever, and although it was good, I didn't feel that way. It always felt to be missing something...and now Battlefront 2 has come along, all of that has changed! First off, there are now Heroes and Villians. These add a new element to the game. The guy with the most points on your team will be able to play as a character specifically for that level. Be it Darth Maul on Mos Eisley, Yoda in Dagobah, all of your favourite characters are now playable. Also, after the disappointment of only being able to play one mode in the first Battlefront, there are now lots of modes to play. You have Hunt mode, where players become Ewoks, Wampas, Wookiees and the like and have to stay alive for the longest time remaining. Capture the flag, which speaks for itself, and Assault mode for Space Battles. I can hear you cry "SPACE BATTLES!" YES! THERE ARE SPACE BATTLES! These are perhaps the greatest addition to the game. There are 2 bases-one for your team and one for the enemy. Your goal is simple-destroy the other teams base. This can be done in many ways. Either by taking to the sky and blowing the ship up from the outside, or by landing in the opposing teams base and taking down their shields from within. Space Battles can also be played in Capture the Flag mode, but to be honest these are pretty quick and easy-usually you can capture the flag in a matter of seconds, with only the enemies Auto Turrets stopping you from victory. Any problems? Unfortunately, yes. The enemy AI is pretty dumb. I found myself killing my own flag carrier because he was going the wrong way. Also, in capture the flag mode in the Space Battles it is way too hard to kill the flag carrier. Generally in Space Battles you will only get a few kills, seen as it is hard to blow up your rival crafts. This is fine, but in a game of ctf where you need to kill the flag carrier immediately it just ends up as a game of who can get the flag first. These are just minor problems though, and shouldn't stop you from BUYING THIS GAME STRAIGHT AWAY!