Very Dissapionting,I think its the same thing as the 1st one

User Rating: 4.4 | Star Wars: Battlefront II XBOX
Star Wars Battlefront 2 got me very exciting as I bought it but the only difference i could find was The new Jedi capability.I think it would have been better with more Jedis on the feild than just 1 dominating.Plus the abilities were the exact same with evry other jedi.The new levels gave me headaches with no story at all.The campaign mode was a joke and wasn't relevant to the real Star Wars saga.Oh Yeah the ship addition with battles to the sky I thought that sucked too.The only positive thing was the Graphics and the voice acting of Obi Wan Kenobi. I can see why people bought cause its Star Wars but don't waste your time on this and thats why its buried in my closet somewhere.