A phenomenal game that's a must-have for Star Wars and action game fans alike.
Now, Battlefront actually has a full-fledged story mode, aptly titled "Rise of the Empire." A clone trooper tells of his part in the 501st Legion of clone troopers, later known as "Vader's Fist." This time, missions are objective-based. You assasinate, defend, collect, defend, and do many other things through the lengthy campaign.
My personal favorite mode, Galactic Conquest. Now a turn-based strategy sort of layout, you command a ship, going from from planet to planet, conquering all who get in your way. However, your main enemy(rebels, empire, CIS, republic, depending on which faction you are) also has a ship. They will try and conquer your planets and engage with you in space battles. The new strategic elements really fueled my addiction to this mode. You'll be lucky to complete this mode in 7 hours.
There's also instant action, which allows you to play a good bit number of modes on any of the 26 maps.
The split-screen multiplayer is identical to the first's, so I won't go over it.
I did not have the opportunity to play online, so won't go over it, either.
Anyway you put it, this is must-have title that should NOT be missed.