Better Than The Original. I'm Not Joking

User Rating: 9.4 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PS2
Ah yes, Starwars has always been a popular game target with many realeses. The most recent being Starwars Battlefront 2. Now if you've played the first one, you'll agree its great and this is the origianal with chocolate sprinkles on it. In this game you have basically the same as the last, except for rise of the empire. On this you follow the progress of the 501st who start off as clone troopers and end up and storm troopers. Galatic conquest is still there only with more planets and space battles (GOODIE) At the begining of Galatic Conquest you start of with only one type of soldier (it depends on which galatic conquest you've chosen) and you build up your collection of different soldiers by buying them with credits you earn from taking over a planet, defendong a planet or destroying a space ship in space. Now also when you play instant action you have the opertunity to play as a leader. These are either villains or hearoes depending on who you chose. Now here's the bit i didn't like. Once you are a leader, your health slowly goes down and the only way for it to go back up is to keep killing. So basically if you stand there, your health goes down. Now, there is a loop hole on this game. If you choose instant action, then choose Moes Eisly Space Port On Tatoine, you can play assault. Now if you do this and then press launch. You can play as either heroes or villians( My advice is choose villians as they are alot better and cooler) and what you do is kill the opposite team. And your health doesn't go down. Anyway, i highly recomend you get this game as it is an excelent game.