This game is a classic shooter.
1:Plenty of maps
2:Space battle really grows on you
3:Launching Obi-Wan into a pack of 20 droids is a great experience
4:Mos Eisley assault mode is a ton of fun
5:You have access to vehicles such as AT-ATs,Droid STAPS, and Snowspeeders
6:You can play as Droidekas, Magnaguards, and even Bothan spies.
But, as in all games, it has it's faults.
1:Its to easy for some Ewok to defeat Lord Vader
2:Tantive IV map has a lousy frame rate
3:Its way too hard to defeat a Droideka, even if you're a Jedi
4:You can play as Aayla Secura, but you can't play as Qui-Gon Jinn!?
5:Sound track for Coruscant sounds like Harry Potter
Nevertheless,Battlefront is a great game. I have enjoyed it for hours,amd will enjoy it for many more hours to come.