Liking the first one is even a good enough excuse to get the second! In fact, there are alot of excuses to get this!!!
Battlefront is a great game, that offers enough replay value to keep you coming back for more, even after you just bought a new game. I have to say I strongly disagree with just an 8.1 by Gamespot. I agree this isn't Game of the Year material, but it deserves alot of recongition for being a great game.
The graphics in the game are nowhere near revolutionary, but they'e good. They're solid enough to keep you saying "Whoa!!! I'm YODA!!!" It all looks great, but not to the degree that Halo 2 provided.
The animations in the game are few, so there is little to critique. When the animations do come in, you can tell he's throwing a grenade, or he's diving to avoid gunfire.
I origanally bought the PC version of Battlefront 1, but I wanted to play with my friends, so I sold it, and bought it for Xbox. Only to discover it's only two players. Nothing sucked more than that. Battlefront II however has four player combat, to which I am thankful for.
I like the new awards. Get the "Regulator" award, you get a better shotgun. Get "War Hero" you get your damage increased. But you only get the reward if you get the award four times. Not in the same battle, however. This keeps you playing and yearning for more.
Hero characters are great. They make you fight hard, especially when you have friends over! Getting Yoda obviously gives you some bragging rights.
The new modes like Hunt are a ton of fun. Especially the Wampas Vs. Rebels on Hoth. It's like a bunch of polar bears charging the Rebel camp. Capture the flag rules in Battlefront, as you have to shoot up entire armies to get the flag.
Space. The game finally goes to space. There's nothing needed, nor missing in space. It gives you feel you wanted when engaging the Seperatist fleet above Kashyyyk.
To sum it all up, this is a game worth owning for everyone. Especially those who still have the Star Wars spirit!