Not much has changed and thats a good thing... not much has changed..and thats a bad thing

User Rating: 8.1 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PS2
Star wars battle front was the most higest selling star wars game. now u have its sequel star wars battle front 2

in this game u can play as a few new characters suck as commnder clones and jedi (yes i sed jedi)

when u hear tht u can play a jedi some of u must just get all excited but trust me folks its not wat it looks like. Game play with a jedi is broken. The way u have to block shots while pressign oen button and than pressign another to cancel the block an attack could piss anyoen off. And jedis pretty much kill u in one hit literally one hit!! if ur a jedi fighting a jedi u better keep ur block up or youll die (unless of course ur the one doign the attacking)

but anyway battelfront 2 shows some gameplay simillilar to the first. Shooting is the same. same weapons. all the same mostly.

but than u got space battles wich i think is maybe a 50/50 chance youll liek it. wen u begin u have no idea wat the heck your doing they pretty much put u out in space and except u to shoot everything. but as u play more u learn to land inside the enemies ship and blast all there soldier and pretty much destroy the ship inside out and than head back out to destroy the shipd bridge. This is probably the mos tnewest thign added to this game so its alright.
Starwars battle frotn 2 is a pretty good game for star wars fans and peope who like shootign stuff withut thinking (not sayign it in a bad way) its definetly one to get