For any star wars fans out there this is a must have game. Others will probably like it to. If you think it is another old star wars where you control a Jedi and run around killing people you are way off. Star Wars Battlefront II allows you to control regular troops of the army along with Jedi Masters in this new installment of the series. It has come far from the first Star Wars Battlefront with some new interesting game modes like galactic conquest where you make an army and go around the universe conquering planets. Each time you have a victory or even defeat you earn some money to buy you more troops and try to become the strongest force in the universe. The single player and co-op campaigns are fun too. You go through a good number of missions including a few space missions where you control space fighters and are sent to do various tasks like blowing up enemy ships or retrieving certain data or something of the sort inside the enemy ship. It is somewhat short but it packs a lot of fun moments into the campaign. Now lets talk a bit about the multi player. You are able to choose from an ample number of planets that all have unique maps and ships to them. When you start the game it also gives you an option to choose your race whether it be the CIS, Imperial, Republic, or Alliance. There are also a variety of game modes to play like conquest where you both control armies and try to defeat the entire enemy army while taking over bases. The on line capabilities of this game are amazing and you can have up to around 64 players in one fight which makes for an action packed game. Overall I would say this is a must buy, not too much wrong for this great game. They could have had a few tweaks or fixes on some issues to make the game better but they are too trivial to note. So go out there and start your empire!
Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars: Battlefront II
About a year ago, Lucasarts and Pandemic released Star Wars Battlefront, a game where you could immerse yourself in the greatest battles in the Star Wars universe, and it soon became the best selling Star Wars game of a... Read Full Review
Story: The single player game tells the story of the 501st through log notes by one of its soldiers. While it isn’t anything special it is a nice thing to have and I’m sure that Star Wars fans will appreciate it. Follow ... Read Full Review