This game fixes some of the issues the first one didn't, the New Added features of space combat, and playing as Hero Characters, The sad part of this game is that there is only one story Campaign and its a very Ep. 3 inspired one at that, the achievements in-game are kinda pointless but I still really enjoy the Battles, the graphics are OK but not wonderful, the sound is pretty good, and the music is the traditional Star Wars themes, the the controls are very flexible which is good because personally I do not like some of the default settings.besides the story campaign there are conquest campaigns (one for for each faction) these will eventually get repetitive, the really great feature of this game is the Multi-Player.
Overall I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys shooters more than the fans of Star Wars now to hope that someone will make a Better 3rd installment.
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Star Wars Battlefront II is great sequel, but it does have some flaws that keep this game from being a full masterpiece. There are four factions the Republic, Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), The Rebellion, and ... Read Full Review
I had been waiting for about a year and could'nt help thinking about once every day. This game is not only awesome and fun its revolutionary the new space fights and the jedi option is fun plus they include tons of awsom... Read Full Review