totaly awesome game...who knew that a star wars shooter could be this fun
Also the new space wars thing is great too but for me i do more hacking when playing in space than shooting down other enemy ships. For those of you who dont know what i mean by saying hacking i mean destroying the inside of their main ship and making it easier to defeat them.
When playing as a hero or villian otherwise known as jedi you can pretty much deal a powerful blow that can totaly change things around when you are losing so yea if a hero or villian is put in the right hands he or she can dominate or drop down the number of soldiers your enemy has dramatically. However if you team up and get other soldiers to shoot at the hero or villian they should come down pretty quick. TIP when taking down the hero or villian use special soldiers that have nice weapons like chaingun, grenade launcher, rocket luancher, sniper and more to eliminate he or she fast so no more damage is took to your numbers.
Overall battlefront 2 makes the game much more fun than it was in the 1st game and has great new things to keep you playing it for months heck even years if you really love it like i do. My final words of advice are that you can really unlock the true fun of this game by playing 2 player with a friend or playing online multiplayer with loads of other players.