Savetehaloz reviews a shoddy but addictive Battlefield style game.
Like DiCE's Battlefield Series, you have tickets and control points from which you spawn. This system is pretty unoriginal but really addictive at best. Like the original game there are many vehicles but what distiinguishes SWBF2 from the original is the space battles. Yes, space battles. The Space battles are fun, but still, are nothing really new. After about 4 hours, the space battles became old.
There is also a galactic conquest mode in which you can choose from all the different star wars factions and fight by controlling what type of troops you have and where to move from planet to planet. This however, is not really BIG as many people see it. You can also play as heros, which is not as good as it seems since you only have a few force powers unique to each character type and the only main purpose is to slam after a bunch of enenmy troops to cut them to shreds.
As a conclusion SWBF2 is a fun game, a guilty pleasure with a few new modes here and there but if youre tired of the original Star Wars Battlefront, its not recomended to pick this game up.