If you are not a star wars fan you probably will be after playing this amazing game.It is absolutely, positively amazing

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Battlefront II XBOX
This game is definitely star wars at its highest, you may not like the original star wars movies/games but after playing this you will be blown away. As you fight your way through many glorious battles destroying Jedi, clones or even ewocks you will be amazed by the fun your having, also there is an incredible variety in battle fields and grounds. These include the fiery depths of mustafar, wandering in the amazing forests of Endor and even just flying in space going nuts. I firmly believe this game is awesome.

Now the original star wars battlefront was alright but in this game you can actually kill the Jedi as where in the first game you had to run and hide when one came near. Also there are many different vehicles and this is just great for inventing your own games while playing an example would be in Hoth. Now when my brother kept dying he respawned in the same place this enabled me to put a detpack on a snow speeder watch my brother get in, now while he was leaving I blew him to smithereens. This enabled me to experience the most amazing show of fireworks and rubble hitting the ground.

The bottom line is gamers and non-gamers alike will have a great time playing this absolutely awesome game,
Peace out