A real Star Wars experience.

User Rating: 8.9 | Star Wars: Battlefront II XBOX
Star Wars: Battlefront II gives you a real good feel of a war on a planet. You have a limited, but oh so fun, range of planet - from Kashyyk to Mustafar.
When you first start the game and choose from one of the two opposing teams you will have a Counter Strike kind of feel at first, but when you're out there you will notice how its got its own kind of feel, and if you don't like third person mode than switch to first person.
The Jedi and Sith play a big role this time in BF2. Going from Yoda to Master Windu of the Jedi to Vader to Count Dooku of the Sith. Aside from the excellent choices of force users, being on the battle front is a blast! As you wil dominate the field with powers like Force push, Force Pull, Force Choke, Force Lightning, and Lightsaber throw.
If you think that was good take a piece of the wholesome pie; you can play as Boba/Jango Fett, Han Solo, Leia, Chewbaca, even General Greivious!
BF2 also gives you a experience out of this world - introducing: Space Battle! Now you can battle in outer space. Use a TIE fighter or X-wing to destroy the opposing teams space ship. Attack them on the outside or land in their ship and do it from the inside. Fly a transport ship and take a couple of soldiers with you so you can go in and get them. Space battling is just the topping on the pizza.
There is also conquest mode, take over 12 planets as either Imperials or Rebels. Fight in space or on land. Every win you gain a little more cash for more bonuses or more classes for your army. Not your cup o' tea? than play "Rise of the Empire" story mode and play from the Republic to the Empire. None of this interesting to you? than play instant action, choose when and where you want to fight and who you want to fight for.
BF2 is superb, I had a lot of fun playing this game and I believe you will too. I think since now the price has dropped to mere $19.99 that you would have no real reason not to get this. So go get it, now!