Really great game, especially online.

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PS2
Battlefront 2 is one of my most favorite games of all time. Although Bespin from Battlefront 1 isn't in it the space battles are really fun. The campaign has a great story-line and Galactic Conquest is like 3x better than the first one. The dark troopers have better guns (electricity) and I would say the Bothans are my favorite units to be. You can become invisible, sneak alongside a unexpecting enemy and disintegrate him. Capture the flag is probably my favorite battle in the game. No matter which planet it is really fun. To get 4x better gaming experience online is great. If you don't have online for your ps2 you should definitely get it. Playing against other people is way better than AI, especially on Battlefront. The best battles on that is also Capture the flag. Also, the assault battle on tattoine (sorry if I spelled this wrong but you get the idea) in this battle you get to play light-side heroes vs. the dark-side heroes. That is awesome. Anyone that likes Star Wars or doesn't should really really really t this game.