A-wowzers. It was all fun and stuff.
User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Battlefront II XBOX
Star Wars Battle Front II is a very fun game. I never played the first one so i dont know if this game had made any drastic changes. This game obviously reminds me of the film series. Its pretty sweet that you can change from 1st person to 3rd person view. The weapons are pretty neat too. Also, the different modes are kool. With the regualar story mode, and the Capture the CP's Mode, (or whatever it's called) and the INSTANT ACTION. I havent played multiplayer mode, but im looking forward to it. It's fun when you play as a Jedi Master, (eg. Yoda, Obi-Wan). The Jet trooper class trooper is fun becuase he has an EMP rocket launcher, which is much better than a regular, and he also has the jetpack. It has some pretty amazing graphics and gameplay. Plus with the Star Wars Music, which is pretty good. The voice acting is pretty good, average, if you will. But that's video games now days; good voice acting, but after a while....... they're all the same, so i have to say the voice acting is good. I would definitley recomend this to anyone. Its also very addicting. A star wars shooter.