one of the best games ive played only problem is that after the first 6 or 7 missions they take like a year to complete

User Rating: 9.2 | Star Wars: Battlefront II XBOX
ive only had this game since xmas and there are a few minor gliches but its done wat battlefront 1 couldnt do and provide a challenging game yeh the space battles may be repetetive buts its still endless fun theres so much you can do in them from sabetage to dogfights there is so much to do

the missions only get harder from a mission that a two year old could do blind-folded to a mission where within two seconds ur down to 1 reinforcement thye missions will keep you playing for hours

by giving you and option of first perso or 3rd like the last 1 once again you can feel like your there fighting the battles on kamino or kashyyk and gatting scopes on a simple blaster rifle it gives you plenty of option

so far though the majorityof time has spent on one scenario on instant action on mos eisley where its all heroes of the star wars saga (obi-wan, han solo,yoda,ki-adi-mundi) take all vilains (boba fett, palpatine, darth vader,)

the last part ofthe game left to explore is galactic conguest wich they have made so much harder than on the first, on the first you could of got it done in no time on this one simply buying reinforcements instead of a hero could win you the battle because heros are fun but you need the reinforcements in places like kamino or or mustapha .