its good untl u ply da console version den u relise how disapioting this is it giv u nufing mor dan the consul jus less
User Rating: 4.4 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PSP
wat can i say no fun no rise of the empire not many maps not much nuffin really the best thing you could do is not buy it and get the console version as its considerably cheaper and better the most fun i got out of it was turning it of and trading it inwat they ave tryed to do is put these 3 disapionting scenarios hat i have forgotten about they wer so poor just please i beg of you buy it for a console the heroes are gone within a pin-drop of entering the battle fild im trying to find sumthing nice tosay about it i am as i loved the console version but wat i can say is its good until you play the console then you realise how bad this version is